Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Missing the Point Entirely

I've seen this little gem posted on Facebook a few times.  I know, I know.  For my own sanity I should just walk away.  Poking the crazy is such a strong temptation but I figured torching a friendship (or fracturing family relations) is not worth feeling superior over.  So instead I'm going to do it here.
Back to this not-funny cartoon:
Interestingly this comic touches on two things that  ZOMG!OppressedChristians! (TM) like to twist to make it seem like the evil atheists are trying to abolish or take away their enjoyment of their faith.
Most obvious is the War on Christmas (TM)!  There is no war on Christmas.  I don't give a flying fuck if you wish me a Merry Christmas, Happy Solstice, or Chrismahanukwanzikah.  When you say any of these to me, I assume that it reflects your beliefs and I usually will smile and respond "You too!".  I alternate between Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays depending on the person, and if I were working a customer service job I would default to Happy Holidays.  The reason isn't not offending, the reason is that I wish to be as inclusive as possible.   Religion isn't obvious, like blue eyes or red hair.  People choose religion, and sometimes even change religions.  I don't know if the person in front of me is Jewish, Christian, Atheist, Muslim, Pagan, or whatever.  I wish everyone happiness at this time.
So go have yourself a Merry Christmas.  Hell, say it as much as you want.  Just don't demand that I say it too, because it doesn't show how christian you are, it shows how much of an asshole you are and how insecure you are that you need sheep bellowing the same thing all around you.
The less obvious part of this is separation of church and state.  Once again, this totally misses the point.  Kids will not get in trouble if they express their faith in public school.   It's one thing to say "I'm Christian and I celebrate Christmas".  It's another to expect everyone else to do the same.  And if I recall correctly, teachers and administrators can get in trouble if they discuss religion in any way that promotes one above any others or with any intention of proselytizing.  However, if this little boy said to another child "You are dumb because you don't celebrate Christmas", then maybe a trip to the principal's office is in order.
Us Evil Atheists are not looking to take away Christmas.  I celebrate it as a secular holiday and as a time to share love with my family and friends.  Giving gifts makes me happy.  Other's celebrate it as Yule, or the solstice.  It is also a federal holiday.  Don't be a herd animal and post this drivel.  Spend that energy elsewhere, be a role model and use that energy to help others, not just in December but all year long.  Charities that have a glut of volunteers in December have a difficult time finding them in the summer.  Use those mouse clicks to spend $20 to help feed or immunize people in impoverished countries (or hey, your own country, we have plenty of hungry and homeless people here).  If you are privileged enough that all you have to worry about is this War on Christmas bullshit, rejoice and Happy Holidays!

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